Sunday, June 14, 2009

Derby News

I am soooo excited about Derby today!

Yesterday I found a pair of skates at a yard sale... Speed skates... like... for real derby skates.

Here's a link to what they would have been brand new! ($132!) I bought them for $15.

Here are a couple of pictures of them.

I also bought new laces at hot topic and added them to get This:

They fit beatifully, which makes me want to go try them out (since I won't be able to practice ALL WEEK this week!)

I'm ESPECIALLY pumped after seeing the bout last night! The atomics and our girl Krush kicked some ASS! It was incredibly exciting!!! And also confusing, as we couldn't really see super well. I think I am going to read all of the derby rules.... and go to the Evansville bout this coming weekend with my derby fiancee.

For now... maybe we can skate today and I also need to wii active. Oh And I need to go to Dick's to get better pads..

AND There's that derby name issue.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Derby Wife

Jamie asked me to be her Derby Wife!!!
For the 99.9% of people I know who do not have an interest in Derby - a derby wife is the person that you OBSESS about Derby with. It's weird how quickly derby becomes a drug... you live it... you breathe it.. you dream about it (well that and being attacked by panthers!).... Derby is all-consuming and AWESOME!!! Most people don't seem to get that... so derby girls tend to take a derby wife... and Jamie is going to be mine....

Which means we could do some kind of awesome co-name!!!

Derby name

SO.... the biggest piece of the derby puzzle is a name....

I mean... getting on a team.. having the skills... sticking with it... buying the gear... all are important ... but having a name... That's for real.

I wanted Princess Slaya sooo badly. (Mostly so Jamie would not make me cut my hair!)
That or Lady Go-Die-Va.

Then Queen Eliza-death.

Seems everything I think of is taken.

Right now I am leaning toward being Cook-E with a number of the square root of 666. (Think Bloodhound gang.)


I will have to make a list of all of the characters of everything I love...

Also Lena has suggested I go with kitty themes... not sure what I can do there.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Weird Stuff in my car...

As Jamie pointed out, I have a LOT of weird stuff in my car. For instance - today I had a unicycle, some old records (including dracula's greatest hits), wine, 2 mouthguards, cheer beer, kneepads, tweezers.... Yeah... that's pretty weird.

I also almost added "Rollerboi" for Nate...

My first experience with roller derby

So Jamie has talked me into this crazy idea of hers that there is a chance that I might participate in something semi-athletic. Riiiight.
We went to the skating rink in Marion last night and other than once when I was standing still I didn't have much trouble with not falling down. I think with some practice I could actually do this.... that and some padding... and an inhaler.
So day 1 of becoming a roller derby girl - not too bad - need a wrist brace (typing is not so easy with a slightly injured wrist.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cakewrecks *snort*

I just introduced Bill (The guy across the hall at work) to Cakewrecks. I merrily snorted through several postings and then had to show him the poo-surfing hotdogs from the "to the pain" posting.. one of my favorites.
Not sure he really "got" it... but he made polite conversation about it, as I refilled my candy jars today and therefore I have a pretty appealing office.

I realized that perhaps my need to keep chocolate available on my desk is a direct result of my love of the Princess Bride... The chocolate coating helps it (my weirdness) go down easier.

My house is mad at me....

So I gave in and let Jeremy buy a cabin. (Note that I said JER bought the cabin - not my idea and I am not exactly thrilled about it.)
We both fell asleep in the living room last night and I woke up this morning at 6 to take a shower in hopes that I don't get to work at 8ish with drippy hair. I merrily tromped my way to the shower. (And by that I mean I zombie walked there stopping to feed the cats on the way.)
I hopped in the shower and had about 2 seconds of gloriously warm high-pressured water. Then it dropped off to the "someone flushed the mancave toilet leaving you straddling the faucet" trickle. I HATE HATE HATE hate low-pressure showers. It takes FOREVER to get the shampoo out of my hair. FOR-EV-ER.
Of course I assumed Jeremy did something - nope.. he was asleep. And now he is taking a perfectly high pressure shower. House... I feel the need to remind you that it was JEREMY who bought the cabin... be mad at him!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Here's the thing about blogging... I always mocked it.. but now I have a blog. Possibly with readers one day and everything.

For now.. It's gonna be about randomness.. yard sales... the cabin... etc. One day it may be entirely devoted to posts about bad grammar and slaying of apostrophes.