So I spent all of my vacation time that I had saved in the least fun way imaginable... with pneumonia in March.... So instead of taking a full week and actually going somewhere or better yet, remodeling my bathrooms, I am taking 2 days plus the required July 3rd.
We planned to go to the cabin Sunday, but after having shared a bottle of vokda and a 6 pack of smirnoff wild grape with rick and a bottle of hot damn burst with clusky, I did not feel much like getting out of bed at the ass crack of dawn to go paint in the heat on Sunday.
Jamody neighbor gifted us boom blox2. (Jeremy was pleased that they dubbed us Lizeremy and not Jizzard) We ended up staying up until riduculous late playing it and so we got a late start on Monday.
We got to the cabin and it feels a little like I have done nothing but paint and watch Monk since. (We watched Seasons 1 and 2... but I was asleep for 2 discs... jeremy does not seem to undestand that getting up at 7 am is NOT a part of vacation!) So yeah.. gonna need more paint to finish everything.
I have work in the morning and I am hoping to get on some skates tomorrow afternoon... though I need to fix the mancave window (I assume the shits that tagged it are the same ones taht busted out all of the glass... good thing the windows are barred.)
Jeremy is off all week, and I didn't know about it until it was too late to plan much.. so I am here for the next 2 days and headed back to him Thursday night or Friday morning. I hope he uses up the rest of the blue paint so I don't have much left to do when I go back.
I also hope I can get my computer working and my cutter going before I go back. Oh and I left my wii there so the only thing to keep me distracted here is the internet... and my vinyl cutter... and my roller derby book that I am almost finished with.. and my knitting... and my embroidery machine.... and the bathroom remodel taht i need to do... and the incredibly busy upcoming 2 days at work.....
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
4 weeks ago
Where can we skate Wednesday?
ReplyDeleteUgh, I am up way too late right now. Also, the Paducah girls are training newbies on Tuesdays now, so I think we're outta luck for Thursday practice.