So I gave in and let Jeremy buy a cabin. (Note that I said JER bought the cabin - not my idea and I am not exactly thrilled about it.)
We both fell asleep in the living room last night and I woke up this morning at 6 to take a shower in hopes that I don't get to work at 8ish with drippy hair. I merrily tromped my way to the shower. (And by that I mean I zombie walked there stopping to feed the cats on the way.)
I hopped in the shower and had about 2 seconds of gloriously warm high-pressured water. Then it dropped off to the "someone flushed the mancave toilet leaving you straddling the faucet" trickle. I HATE HATE HATE hate low-pressure showers. It takes FOREVER to get the shampoo out of my hair. FOR-EV-ER.
Of course I assumed Jeremy did something - nope.. he was asleep. And now he is taking a perfectly high pressure shower. House... I feel the need to remind you that it was JEREMY who bought the cabin... be mad at him!
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
3 weeks ago
This calls for something drastic! Like cutting your hair! Low pressure showers are not so bad then :D :D :D